Our furry friends fill our lives with fun, joy, and unconditional love. There is nothing quite like sharing your life with a dog or a cat, and it’s only natural to want to show them just how much they mean to us.
If you are anything like my clients, you already go above and beyond for your cats and dogs on a daily basis to ensure they are living their best life, but every once in a while, it’s fun to change things up and do something really special just for them.
With the holiday season approaching, I thought you might be looking for some new ways to express your gratitude for the loyal and loveable four-legged pals in your life. Here are some ideas to get your creative juices going…
1.) Spend Quality Time With Them
Let’s face it, our lives are busy. Regular, working days seldom allow for extended time to hang out with or play with your love-muffin. But holiday breaks from work are ripe opportunities to toss the agenda out the window and just dilly dally with them all day. Plan a special day and spend some extra time with your furry friend where they get to be the center of attention.
And while we are at it, let’s talk about what counts as ‘quality time’ in your furry friend’s opinion…
Choose to be fully present when you are with them whether it is playfully horsing around or walking one of your favorite routes. That means that all of your devices, such as cell phones, computers or TVs are off and stored away. Not only will your four-legged benefit from your full attention, but you may find yourself grounding into this intimate connection.
2.) Make Them a Special Meal
Okay. So maybe you feel this isn’t barking up the right tree because your little Peanut can only eat certain foods. I bet if you thought a bit, you would realize that there are loads of ways to get creative and whip up a feast for your lovebug.
You don’t have to feed them something new and different to make it special. Sometimes, it can be fun to change up the delivery a little. You can create a custom (and allergy-friendly) broth for your friend and pour it over his food to create an ever so tantalizing feast. Or, if your fluffy pal does well with new foods, you could sprinkle some freshly cooked, organic protein into his regular food.
Whatever you serve, be sure to sprinkle in a little extra love. That makes everything taste better!
3.) Play a Game With Them
Surprise your furry friend and come up with something new and different to get them all fired up. It could be a new hiking route, hide and seek games, treasure (treat) hunts indoors or outdoors, or handmade hidey holes, crafted out of a cardboard box or a paper bag.
Also, they are sure to appreciate it if you break away early from the TV or computer, before they come looking to bug you, and are the one to instigate a bit of tomfoolery with your pal. What fun for them to be on the receiving end of this silliness! You are sure to get an extra kiss or head-butt.
4.) Communicate With Them
Sing their praises… shower them with words of love and adoration! A bone-ified love fest! Tell them how you cherish them OUTLOUD . Can’t you just feel the vibrational frequency rising? You may be surprised by what you receive in return.
And I can’t recommend this next practice enough… Take the time to sit quietly and communicate with them one on one. You don’t have to be an intuitive expert to do this. I’ve got some instructions in this blog: Learn to Say Hello to Your Animal Companion from Afar