Because Sunvet Animal Wellness Clinic regards your furry friend as a unique individual, we create their dog or cat vaccine schedules with a “one size does NOT fit all” alternative approach.
Many of our clients come to us with vaccine information they have gleaned from the internet, magazines, or friends and a myriad of questions, like…
When do I start my puppy’s vaccines?
My kitten had vaccines from the breeder, so when do I give her the next vaccine?
How old is too old to give vaccines?
What type of vaccine is the least harmful and most protective for my dog?
How often do I really need to vaccinate my indoor cat?
For your animal companion’s sake, Sunvet’s goal is to use as few vaccines as possible.
Before making any vaccine decisions for your little four-legged friends, we will discuss any pertinent information with you so that we can work together to make the best choices for your dog’s or cat’s unique situation.
Some of the factors we take into consideration when configuring a dog or cat vaccine schedule are…
- age
- size
- health
- stressors
- lifestyle (indoor vs. outdoor)
- previous vaccine history
Any decision made concerning whether to vaccinate or not should always take into consideration your animal’s lifestyle. Is Fido a rough and tumble trail runner or mountain bike hound, or does he lounge around the house? Often, an entirely indoor cat is a prime candidate for minimal vaccination since he/she is not exposed to many risks.

Vaccine Titer Testing
Beloved four-legged companions with any vaccine history at all deserve the benefit of titering their blood to see if they already have an immunity to the major viruses that we vaccinate against.
We provide titer testing, which tests your animal’s current immune response to the disease-producing viruses such as Parvo, Distemper, Rabies, Panleukopenia, Rhinotracheitis and Calicivirus.
Vaccines against viruses such as Parvo, Distemper, Rabies, Panleukopenia, Rhinotracheitis and Calicivirus are truly ultra-protective, many times creating a lifetime immunity with just one vaccination. We are thrilled that vaccine titer tests are available that can now prove this long-disputed fact, thereby showing us when vaccinations are unnecessary for your love-bug.
Puppy & Kitten Vaccines
Puppies and kittens have maternal (mother-derived) antibody protection to the common diseases up until they are 12 weeks old. Timing a vaccination before these antibodies wear off is merely a waste of resources.
We will work with you to come up with a custom vaccine plan that is in the best interest of you and your new little munchkin.
Our philosophy is “easy does it”, and in many cases some vaccines can be given later when your puppy or kitten’s immune system is more fully developed. Under certain circumstances, we sometimes recommend waiting to give the first Rabies vaccine at 1 year or later, once your little one is fully adult.
We carry high-quality mono-valent, bi-valent, and combination vaccines that Dr. Laurel has thoroughly researched and feels are safest for animals of all ages, including Merial’s mercury-free Rabies vaccines for cats and dogs.
Vaccinating At Risk Animals
At Sunvet, we strive to assure that any animal we vaccinate is well enough to develop appropriate immunity without causing them harm. In cases where an animal is considered at risk, we may recommend waiting to vaccinate them and/or suggest lifestyle changes that will help limit their exposure to dangerous illnesses.
At risk animals include:
- Elderly dogs and cats
- An animal that has had previous vaccine reactions
- Animals that are in a stressful time of their life
- Animals that are generally unhealthy or have an illness that is challenging her immune system
In addition, vaccination should not occur when a female dog or cat is in heat, directly before going into the kennel, just before going into surgery or flying on a plane.
These scenarios are obvious stressors to your companion’s system; vaccinating them during these times of stress does not allow the body to focus on creating the desired immunity.
We take vaccinations very seriously here at Sunvet, so you can trust us to listen to your concerns and help you make well informed choices about vaccinating your beloved furry friends.