Patient Stories: “I am grateful that Asheville has such a compassionate, highly sensitive and skilled veterinarian as Dr Laurel Davis.”
Click here to book an Ask Dr. Laurel™ phone or Skype veterinary consultation with an integrative vet Dr. Laurel Davis to really listen to your dog’s or cat’s needs and wisdom, or call 828-254-2221 to book an appointment in her Asheville NC vet clinic.

“Dr. Laurel has given my cats compassionate and very skilled care for over 13 years now. She is able to truly connect with my cats and tease out the truth of their needs and the best way to care for them. One of my cats was recently seriously ill. She answered daily emails and calls and coordinated with other vets to determine the best course of care for him. Mostly due to her efforts, my cat is still with me and enjoying his life. My cats from the beginning of their adoption were not able to eat traditional diets. Dr. Laurel was able to determine the best diet and supplements for them which have helped them to thrive. Dr. Laurel’s staff all are very caring, kind, and quick to be of service. I have sent quite a few clients and friends to Dr. Laurel and her staff and all of them have reported back that they and their animals were helped and comforted by the skill and compassion of Dr. Laurel and her staff. I am so grateful that Asheville has such a compassionate, highly sensitive and skilled veterinarian as Dr Laurel Davis.”
– Judy McClung
Sunvet Animal Wellness Client
- Dr. Laurel Davis is an integrative Asheville vet offering phone and Skype consultations for animal lovers everywhere.Call 828-254-2221 or order an Ask Dr. Laurel™ phone or Skype session or bring your dog or cat to her downtown Asheville, NC clinic.Read more patient stories.
Get to know Dr. Laurel by reading her blog.
Do you have a story about Dr. Laurel’s dog advice or how she helped your animal companion? Please post your comment on our Facebook page or write a Google Review.