The issue of fleas is one that comes up time and again at Sunvet Animal Wellness Clinic. It can be heartbreaking to see the havoc these tiny critters can inflict on our beloved dogs and cats, and they can be persistent and hard to get rid of. What makes matters worse are the many flea myths that abound, which can make it harder to know how to effectively treat an infestation of our four-legged buddies or, heaven forbid, our home!
I want to address some of these myths to give you the tools to powerfully and efficiently get the upper hand on these jumping, biting nuisances. This week, we’ll be talking about flea myths related to our animal friends.
Flea Myth 1: Fleas will go away in the winter!
Honestly, this is the biggest flea myth of all. In reality, fleas require ten consecutive days below the 37 degree mark before they bite the dust. With the thermometer reaching the 40s to 70s each day during a warm winter, those little bouncing bloodsuckers are just not meeting their demise. In other words, keep that flea comb in your holster and be ready for the daily showdown, especially if you live in a warm climate.
Flea Myth 2: If I am zealous with all my holistic products, I will conquer those little insect beasts.
Okay, let’s be real here. I commend you for using the holistic products such as essential oil mixes, flea combs and diatomaceous earth, and these products are ALWAYS my first go-to at the onset of flea season. However for some four-legged sweeties in certain areas of the planet, this will not cut through the armies of pests.
At best, most of these goods will repel fleas when they are freshly applied or slowly kill them if the coverage is expansive, but often it isn’t enough. There are certain animals that are flea allergic and certain areas that are flea ridden. There may come a time when one must reach for the least nasty commercial flea product. I discuss a few options in this post.
Flea Myth 3: If my dog/cat isn’t scratching, he can’t have fleas.
Your charming four-legged companion may be one of those miracle children that have no allergies to flea saliva. I love this for both you and him! However, sometimes this can lull you into complacency and cause your flea radar to fall by the wayside. As flea season approaches or continues, monitor your friend daily. You will be pleased that you did!
Bonus Flea Myth: I only need to treat the animal that has evidence of fleas, the others seem fine.
Ha, again! After reading the myth above, you know this is a bunch of bunk. All things being equal, treat all of your buddies equally.
Bonus Flea Myth: If my cat/dog has just a couple of fleas, it doesn’t matter.
This one is totally up to you. We all have our limit. What is yours? Certainly, there will be a point at which you decide to amp up your anti-flea brigade. Keep in mind, while you are deciding what action to take, you can be sure each of these few fleas will be liberally depositing 50 eggs a day.
I like to think of fleas as one of the necessary aspects to consider as a caretaker of your furry lovelies. It’s always a good idea to tune-in your flea radar and be proactive. If you take the time each day to peruse Fido and preen Tom Cat with a discerning eye, you will be automatically setting your flea boundaries.
Many dogs and cats are allergic to fleas. Luckily, there are many strategies to combat the little pests’ itchy game, so don’t feel discouraged. To clear away these allergies, we offer a process in our Asheville clinic called NAET.