Stories from a holistic veterinarian: 10 Ways to Connect with Your Dog #7: Murmur Endlessly
Two friends are like seashells; they murmur endlessly. —Swahili Proverb
Ky, my enthusiastic, nimble German Shepherd Dog-mix zips past me on the slender woodsy trail in her attempt to beat me to Lake Powhatan, a pristine mountain stream-fed lake in a US Forest Service Park near Asheville, NC. I am 34, an avid runner, and in my element as I prance through the tiny springs seeping onto the path. It’s Spring! The peepers, damp Rhododendron smell, blissfully perfect temperature, miniature leaves dotting the tree branches and the sun penetrating my white winter skin all feel a million miles away from the crazy, veterinary hospital world.
As we approach the open shoreline and the lake stretches out reflecting the surrounding forested mountains, I slow, inhaling the clean air, and Ky continues forward plunging into the icy mountain water, quickly wading out to paddling depth. What more could I ask for? I am with one of my favorite friends, and just finished an awesome run on the most sublime afternoon. I know we will spend another hour or so wandering or reclining along the lakeshore. I will be in conversation with Ky, verbally or through thought processes in my head. I will share with her my joys, frustrations and my most recent crush details. I am aware I am totally fulfilled and peaceful. Indeed, life is good.
Spending quality, soul-baring, thoughtful moments with your furry four-legged Love Bug will, plainly and simply, breathe new life into you. In a new study that sheds light on the link between secrets and health, people were asked to recall a deep, meaningful secret, but keep it to themselves. Afterward they felt exhausted when asked to think about physical challenges. Hills looked steeper. Roads looked longer. They didn’t feel up to doing a physical favor for a friend, such as carrying groceries, either. You can guess why: A big secret feels like an albatross around your neck. Thinking about lacing up your walking shoes becomes too much to take on, and when you sit down for dinner, all you want is comfort food. You know where that can lead: refined carbs, sugar, and second helpings.
The study is detailed in The Many Health Benefits of Sharing Your Secrets, June 24, 2012 12:01 AM by Mehmet C. Oz, MD, and Michael F. Roizen, MD.
People who truly share themselves with their pups benefit in many ways: Their immune system is boosted, their grief is lessened, they are happier (when they are happier they are able to spread that happiness to the people around them), they are more likely to reach their weight and fitness goals and as adults they age more successfully.
Hot Diggety Dog! They’re not only cute, they are there to be of true service to you in so many ways. Spend some time with your Unconditional Love Sidekick in earnest conversation.
Shine on,