Asheville veterinarian Dr. Laurel Davis offers “Stories from a holistic vet,” the blog of a holistic vet and “animal interpreter” with a clinic in Asheville, NC. Dr. Laurel also offers intuitive animal health, vaccination and lifestyle advice for animal companions and their human friends across the USA.
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Amazing Gracie – We miss you!

Our little Gracie has gone back to spirit. Amazing Grace, Grace Almighty, Grasicles, Grace, Gracie, G, G Factor, Factor, Jeezer…we miss your sweet little bug-eyed, whiskery, cutest face. We miss your easy, non-judgemental, grounded how-do-you-do to our Sunvet Animal Wellness Clinic clients and patients. We miss your bounding onto the deck with G Force, legs skittering so fast in your sprint to collect your well deserved Post-Pee Treat.
Although we miss your little fuzzy, unkempt Gracie self, we know you are here in spirit, holding the space for Sunvet healing and friendships. We know you are keeping your eye on Linda and Billie as they hand out your favorite treats to all of our four-legged friends. We know you are still resting peacefully at Dr Laurel’s feet, monitoring her phone consultations. Perhaps you are still hoovering the floors in search of forgotten tidbits.

Thank you for ‘Gracing’ us with your love and your presence. Bless you on your journey, as you reclaim your wholeness and move on to your next adventure!
Dr. Laurel, Linda and Billie
Dr. Laurel Davis is a holistic Asheville vet offering phone and Skype consultations for animal lovers everywhere.Call 828-254-2221 or order an Ask Dr. Laurel™ phone or Skype session or bring your dog or cat to her downtown Asheville, NC clinic. Read more patient stories.
Get to know Dr. Laurel by reading her blog.
Do you have a story about Dr. Laurel’s dog advice or how she helped your animal companion? Please post your comment on our Facebook page or write a Google Review.