I can feel the steamy heat of summer dissipating at last. Our pups are, once again, racing to the door with a flustered, ‘me first’ attitude! We are all following suit, cherishing these perfect days as the heat falls away and leaves crackle underfoot in the newly chilled air.Read More
While essential oils also can benefit the mental and physical well-being of our four-leggeds, there are some risks involved that we, as conscientious caretakers, must be aware…Read More
Is the vacuum cleaner your dog’s nemesis? Does your cat run and hide any time the broom makes an appearance? If your pup or kitty gets uncomfortable…Read More
We have talked before about how beautiful the relationship between little ones and their four-legged buddies can be. But just as they say…Read More
Asheville’s holistic veterinarian, Dr. Laurel Davis, says, “You’ll find pros and cons to the choice, but, to vaccinate or to not vaccinate: ultimately that’s up to you.Read More