Did you know that because dogs and cats age faster than people, an annual visit to the veterinarian is equivalent to people seeing their physician or dentist every five to seven years?
By age two, most dogs and cats have already reached adulthood. By the time they reach age four, they’re considered middle aged. At age seven, many dogs and cats have already started their senior years.
This is one of many reasons that we recommend bringing your furry friend to see Dr. Laurel one to two times a year.
By bringing your furry friend to the clinic regularly, we can spot changes in their health early and come up with a plan to make sure they stay happy and well in the years to come.
Regular veterinary appointments also ensure that we are up to date on your furry friend’s health status in case they get sick or begin to experience a health issue. This helps us get right “down to business” in addressing an acute concern.
Annual Exams
We recommend yearly wellness exams for all healthy and young adult cats and dogs. In addition to evaluating the patient’s physical health, at these appointments, Dr. Laurel uses applied kinesiology to assess your animal companion’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Your dog or cat may also get vaccine titers, vaccines, or have bloodwork done during his or her annual wellness visit.
We also offer comprehensive diagnostic testing to help give you additional insight into your furry friend’s well-being.
Semi-Annual Wellness Exams
We recommend bringing senior dogs and cats to the clinic every six months. Conditions can change quickly for our older four-legged friends. When we see them twice a year, we are able to better monitor their health as they age and to address any health concerns early.
After Dr. Laurel assesses your friend’s physical health, she will use applied kinesiology to assess his physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being and to discover additional treatments and therapies to help alleviate any discomfort he might be feeling.
For seniors, Dr. Laurel usually recommends we do some bloodwork and a urinalysis to take a scientific look at how his organs, thyroid glands, and urinary tract system are operating at least once a year. Your dog or cat may get vaccine titers, vaccines, or have blood work at the clinic too.
Wondering if your dog or cat is old enough to be considered a senior ‘oldie goldie’? Read Dr. Laurel’s blog about senior care.
We are now seeing existing clients for their annual and semi-annual wellness appointments while we follow our COVID curbside precautions.
If you have any questions about your dog or cat’s annual or semi-annual appointment, please give us a call at 828-254-2221. We would love to answer your questions!