Integrative veterinarian Dr. Laurel Davis offers Stories from a Holistic Vet, the blog of a holistic vet and “animal interpreter”. With a clinic in downtown Asheville, NC. Dr. Laurel also offers animal health, lifestyle and vaccination advice for cats, dogs and their human friends across the country.
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Take a Hike with your Dog!

This is a post from our archives, first published several years ago. It is a question that still comes up, and it feels like a good time to share it again now that spring has sprung. It is yet another example of the wonderful wisdom our canine buddies have to share with us- we all feel better if we take a hike!
A question that comes up regularly at my Sunvet Animal Wellness practice is: is it really necessary for me to walk my dog every day?
The answer is emphatically, yes! Dogs thrive on a pack experience; additionally, they need exercise just like all of us. If you don’t walk briskly with your dog every day (except in the case of slowed-down older or injured dogs) he or she can get bored and frustrated and turn into that creature we all would prefer to avoid: The Bad Dog. Is a bad dog really a bad dog? One significant reason dogs tear up furniture, disobey, race around chaotically or otherwise cause problems is a lack of walking together with their pack. That means you!
And, by the way, it’s not just Fido that needs a walk. This is one of the many lessons our dogs teach us: if you’re tied to that computer all day, if you’re feeling irritable, hopeless, bored or frustrated, grab a leash and get outside for a good, brisk walk. Feel better?
There are many ways to walk or hike with your dog. You may choose one of many options; including, a neighborhood ramble, urban tour, woods stroll, river walk or a hardcore hike, running, or a mountain biking experience with your animal friend. Be perceptive. If you pay attention and tune into your pooch, you’ll become familiar with how much exercise they need. Don’t want your dog to act out or gain weight? Time to hit the trail.
Shine on,
Dr. Laurel Davis is a holistic Asheville vet offering phone and Skype consultations for animal lovers everywhere. Call 828-254-2221 or order an Ask Dr. Laurel™ phone or Skype session or bring your dog or cat to her downtown Asheville, NC clinic. Read more patient stories.
Get to know Dr. Laurel by reading her blog.
Do you have a story about Dr. Laurel’s dog advice or how she helped your dog or cat? Please post your comment on our Facebook page or write a Google Review.