We can all integrate practices of deep listening and connection into our relationships with our beloved dogs and cats. And you don’t have to be an intuitive expert to do it!
Anyone who can and does connect deeply with their animal opens a door to the mystery of life and why we are here. These people are able to shift from our fast-paced, driven world to the earth- and sky-connected, instinct-guided realm of their special beast.
By learning to be in tune with our animal-friend’s physical and emotional needs, and their unique ways of communicating with us, we become more in tune with the world around us. Our style of listening becomes more empathetic- with our animals, but also in our human interactions. It’s not about listening to reply. It’s about listening to understand. Cats and dogs listen like this, and wouldn’t it be great if we could do the same?
Perhaps the most valuable thing I have learned from listening to animals is to ‘be here now.’ To be smelling the breeze, feeling the rain or the sun’s rays, stretching out in the grass, or playing in the creek. Whether it’s teaching us to be better humans or demanding we take an honest look at how we are handling our lives, there is no end to the wisdom our furry friends will share with us if we learn to slow down and be truly present with them.
However, mindfulness is not a journey to take solely on your own. We can all integrate practices of deep listening and connection into our relationships with our beloved dogs and cats. And you don’t have to be an intuitive expert to do it!
Here are some tips for connecting with your animal intuitively.
- In order to listen to and connect deeply with our companion animals, we must be truly available. This means no cell phones or other paraphernalia, letting go of all other agendas, and slowing down or speeding up to match their certain energy level.
- Let them become your total focus. This experience is a gift for both you and your furry companion.
- Play! When we enthusiastically frolic with our fuzzy friend, we release heaps of energy, along with all the great feelings such as joy, excitement, delight, and aliveness. Our joy and feeling of being in the present moment increases. This brings about clarity, insight, harmony, and serenity.
- Drop into your heart. Allow yourself to soften without expecting anything. I invite you to be open to everything, to be aware of and not afraid of the love that comes bubbling out of your connection.
- Allow yourself to become caught up in the physical sensations that go along with the sincere connection. Notice the warmth of their bodies, the texture of their fur, and the squish of their little noses on your cheek. As their whiskers tickle you, they are willing to let time stand still. They are not in any hurry to move on, as they are fully in the moment.
And One Last Tip…
You can’t truly listen until you still and ground yourself. This requires being mindful and setting an intention to be there for the being that is in front of you. If it is true that the way we do anything is the way we do everything, then you may find learning to connect well with your dog or cat is a step toward changing your relationship with the world around you.