Do I believe CBD oil, cannabidiol oil, has a place in veterinary medicine? Absolutely, I do! Certainly, it is not a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases , nor is it for every individual. I think each animal caretaker must do their own research, engage in critical thinking, then make their own decision. Read on to gather your own information.
Does CBD Oil come from Marijuana?
The first hurdle many people must push through is understanding the difference between hemp, which is the source of CBD oil and marijuana. In actuality, they come from one and the same plant, Cannabis sativa. The plant’s flowering tops and leaves contain the psychoactive elements, more specifically, the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content, which we’ve come to recognize as marijuana. Alternatively, hemp uses the seeds and fibers, primarily from the stalk, and contains low levels of THC and high levels of cannabidiol (CBD). While THC is the principal psychoactive component of Cannabis and has certain medical uses, CBD stands out because it is both non-psychoactive and displays a broad range of potential medical applications.
Marijuana Mechanism of Action
A key reason CBD has a wide range of potential medical uses lies in its ability to influence a wide range of receptor systems in the brain and body, including not only cannabinoid receptors but a host of other receptors in the brain. This includes the central nervous system and in peripheral organs, especially related to the immune system. They make up what’s called the endocannabinoid system. The cannabinoids interact with the receptors in the body and modulate things like pain, anxiety, and nausea.
Uses of CBD Oil for Cats and Dogs
There are as many uses of CBD oil as there are the different kinds of receptors for the cannabinoids. Just kidding! Truth be told, there are countless uses for CBD oil. Studies show that many cannabinoids have anti-inflammatory effects, and can help with pain, tumors, seizures, muscle spasms, skin conditions, appetite stimulation, aggression, anxiety and neurological disorders…all of this without the possibility of life-threatening side effects.
CBD hemp can help with both chronic and acute disease. Among chronic conditions, it can help with arthritis, compromised immune systems, stress responses, aggression and digestive issues. There are also studies under way into CBD’s effects on Type 1 diabetes, organ diseases and cancer. Veterinarians are also finding CBD hemp can be useful in treating acute ailments like sprains and strains, torn ligaments, bone breaks and even during postoperative care to reduce swelling, pain, and stiffness.
If your dog or cat is taking conventional drugs for any of these conditions, CBD hemp may make it possible to use lower doses of the drugs to achieve therapeutic effects. Since conventional medicines do have side effects, this is a useful benefit of CBD.
CBD Dosing for Your Dog or Cat
Effective therapeutic cannabis doses have not been worked out for animal companions. It is best to start with the lowest amount possible and to gradually increase the dose every 5 days or so until the desired effect is seen. If undesired side effects such as excessive sedation, disorientation, excitement, vomiting etc. are observed, the cannabis dose is too high and administration should be stopped immediately. After the side effects have worn off, the animal can be restarted at a lower dose. The upper oral dose limit for CBD products recommended by veterinarian Dr. Robert Silver is around 1 mg/kg/day orally, but one should start with a much smaller fraction of this dose such as 0.05 mg/kg/day. For THC products, Dr. Silver recommends starting with an oral dose of 0.1-0.25 mg/kg THC once or twice daily. Once the pet has received the same dose over about 1 week without undesired effects, the pet has developed a tolerance and the dose can be gradually increased. If you are uncertain as to how to go about dosing the CBD oil you have purchased, consult with your local holistic veterinarian.
Are you interested in discovering what CBD oil can do for your pet? Make an appointment or stop by our Asheville, NC clinic to pick up your bottle of Sunvet’s favorite, New Life CBD Oil, today.
It’s made with 100% organic CBD Oil and crafted right here in our beautiful North Carolina mountains.
The use of hemp, CBD, oil is an ancient practice. We are finally allowing ourselves to re-investigate the healing truths of this wonderful and intriguing plant. If you feel CBD oil would benefit your four-legged beauty, consult with your holistic veterinarian and get the proverbial ball rolling.