Billie has been working at Sunvet Animal Wellness Clinic since January 2016. She started as our vet assistant/receptionist and quickly transitioned into being our office manager. She keeps things running behind the scenes and continues to wear many hats, filling in wherever needed in the clinic.
We wanted to take a few minutes to get to know her better with a fun and quirky interview.
If you won the lottery, what would your life look like?
You would find me on a little farm outside of town, surrounded by fields of flowers, a dye garden, and a herd of fluffy angora bunnies. I’d throw murder mystery dinner parties for my friends every week and build a huge sunflower labyrinth for anyone to come and play in! I would also spend a lot of time in my blueberry orchard, playing outside with Jon & Julep, drinking tea on my porch, and reading fantasy novels in my hammock.
Sidenote: Before any of that could happen, I’d probably need to take some horticulture classes because there is no way with my current knowledge and skill set, I would ever be able to keep all those plants alive!
What is your secret talent?
I am double jointed, which is kind of a deformity, but seems like a talent to me!
What’s your favorite thing about your little love muffin?
I could go on for days about what I love most about my terrier-mix pup, Julep. She’s 6 lbs of pure spunk and cuteness! I really admire her ability to bring joy to everyone she meets. She’s also a fantastic cuddler, and I love tickling & rubbing her little speckled belly, and her expressive Yoda-ears! Julep’s the best!
What is your favorite creative outlet?
This is a hard one! I’m really into anything I can do with my hands that is repetitive and requires an obsessive attention to detail. I do a lot of embroidery, and currently, I am really into knitting socks.
What superpower would you like to have and why?
Teleportation, hands down. My best friends are spread out across the states. I would use my power to see them more, and I’d take my family on some epic vacations.
What inspires you to get up in the morning?
The feeling that each day will be what you make of it. I love the feeling and energy of new beginnings, and I love the optimism I feel when I get to greet a new day. I’m also heavily driven by the need to create, and beyond creating in a corporeal sense, I feel like each day is an opportunity to create a better, more harmonious world, even if it’s just in our own little quadrant of the universe.
When you were a kid, what did you always want to be when you grew up?
As a kid, I wanted to be an actress. After some diversions, I found my way back to theatre but in a new capacity as a costume designer. That’s what I was doing until I found Sunvet!
If you were president, what off-the-wall law would you make?
Naps. Mandatory siestas for everyone over the age of 25. Hey, we get grumpy too!
If you could be any super hero, who would you be and why?
I’d probably be The Flash. He’s a big nerd, with an amazing team of superhumans in his corner, and I can really relate to that. Also, with super speed, I would read SO MANY books.
What things do you love most about working at Sunvet?
I love the support I feel from being part of a community dedicated to building sincere and honest connections. Our team genuinely cares about one another, and we have real connections with our clients and their animals. It’s a wonderful thing to witness and be a part of, and it has enriched my life outside of work as well. Also, I love spoiling all the animals with treats! Being the treat-fairy rocks!
Read more about Billie and the rest of your Sunvet Animal Wellness team on our staff page.