This post in our series of Safe-at-home Stories, comes from Sunvet Animal Wellness Client, Jenny G. Jenny shared this touching story with us shortly after the pandemic began and the Stay-at-Home order was released for Buncombe County.

Kirby and I enjoy our 6-mile walks in the beautiful springtime weather, but in recent days she’s been acting strangely when we get back to the house. She’s always enjoyed hanging out on a chair in the living room where most of the household activity happens. From there she can see out the window and bark at the mailman, which she thinks is an important job!
But the last few days she’s begun hiding in a dark room alone, letting out the occasional bark. In addition, she has been acting skittish around things that never bothered her before. Since my husband and I are retired, there aren’t any schedule changes in our lives other than being at home a little more.
I wondered if Kirby might be picking up on the stress that humans are feeling (not just us, but all humans). So I had a talk with her today (c’mon, you know you talk to your pets, too)! I told her what was happening in the world and that she didn’t have to worry about it. I told her she’d always be safe, loved and taken care of. And it worked! Within five minutes she was back in her favorite chair!
Never underestimate the power of good communication!
Love to all! — Jenny G.
Want to share your story of how you and your animal companion are navigating these challenging times together?
Stories don’t have to be lengthy or elaborate. Your story may be silly, inspirational, heartfelt, or poignant. We’d love to hear it!